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 TREVORS STORY​ By Lisa Roberts

First seen Trevor on the Maxi's Mates Facebook page in December when he had been in there a month. I wanted to get him then but was wary with me having a house rabbit and a little girl. Seen his face pop up few more times.

Then on the 7th feb i decided that next day i was going to get him. On the 8th i went bought him everything he needed before i'd even met him. My mind was already made up.

When I got to the kennels  I asked if they would bring Trevor out as didnt want to see other dogs as i'd want them all.

Me my partner and daughter walked him he looked small and seemed lacking in character. But i suppose when you have been stuck in kennels for three months and see people come and go he wont of realised we were actually his new family. Plus his walk was all he had to look forward to each day.

When we got him home he seen the rabbit and wasnt interested. So my worries had been for nothing! He had to have three baths and cleaned up lovely. He had a humping problem that soon settled. He was taken to Vet's  straight away for flea and worming treatment. Had all his jabs and also lost his plums. All done in the name of love.

He has a few issues with nipping but nothing's a spray bottle cant help. Dont even have to spray him haha. He loves his walks and especially running alongside his dad to get rid of the huge amount of energy he has. Had him nearly three months now. An he  has a crazy character but fits in well in our mad house. Trevor has found his forever home and he will never have to spend another night in kennels again. Hes done his time.,just a shame it took so long x

Sitting comfy

His favourite toy

Ignoring the rabbit

Best Friends

Hey good looking

Walkies with Trevor

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