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NYLA'S STORY By Lynsey Robinson

It was a normal day at the kennels, making sure all the dogs had their daily walk. When I came across a scared Akita in the very last kennel.

The first thing I noticed was a note on her door "DO NOT WALK OR REHOME". I was curious why as this meant she was on death row. After a discussion with the kennel staff it was due to her biting a postman.

Being a Akita enthusiast I couldn't leave her like that. They agreed to allow me to walk her due to my knowledge of the breed. Myself and Nyla made an instant trust bond.

As the weeks went by I mentioned about getting a rescue involved, and to assess Nyla if staff agreed.

Nyla was assessed and passed with flying colours but rescue space wasn't available. As space in the kennels started to fill up i started to worry about her welfare. I took the family up to meet Nyla and a instant love was formed.

Weeks still passed by and with alot of persuading to the kennel staff and partner, I was granted my wish to take her home.

At first it was just to foster her till rescue space was available. As the days went by me and Nyla had a really strong bond and it grew everyday.

The dreaded day came when rescue phoned and space was available for her, I couldn't let my baby girl go. We had been through so much together - so I became her new mum!

I am so proud of her she is my best friend and I wouldn't be with out her. xxx

Treats from Dad​

Home sweet home​

Mummy's little girl

Can I get wet?

Looking for ducks

Found them!!

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